Tag: 2022

Sour Loillies

When i felt the lollie i held in my hand. It felt like a solid ball covered in sugar or salt. I was confused but i put in my mouth anyways. As soon as my tongue touched this substance, my mouth exploded with salt and sourness.  My friend (Roman) also tried this substance and he didn’t even make a reaction. i was surprised because he just tasted the MOST SOUREST CANDY IN NZ!. After the candy dissolved in my mouth, we get to have seconds but this time it’s the LEMON FLAVOUR.  I was scared at first but i tried it anyways and it get’s WORSE. When the candy touched my tongue, it felt like a snake injecting it’s venom in my tongue. I almost cried but i faced it like man.

My visit to Kpmg

Today half of room 4 and the rest of the extension went to kpmg. When we arrived the building was massive and huge. I went in and saw workers doing there thing and they have TWO MICROWAVES!.  I was suprised of the hard they have done and im glad to see this. After that i we went to a private room where we do some fun activity’s and eat.

first we had some morning and it was so Delicious. After we had a great feast we did some photo shop. If you want to see my photo shop, look through my blog posts.  I created a scuffed Goku and i had fun creating this work.

Once we finished creating our photo shopping we did lots of fun activities and thats for the other blog posts.

How to embed different types of Digital Learning Objects (DLO’s)

Embedding learning into our Blogs

By Aaron

There are lots of different types of digital learning objects we embed into our blogs on a daily basis.

My favorite thing to share on my blog is Google documents

Google Docs

The easiest learning to share is my writing in Google Docs, simply just Copy and Paste it from the Google Doc onto your blog. However, don’t forget to use CTRL + SHIFT + V so that it gets rid of the formatting. You can always change the formatting on your blog.

Take a look at the other ways below

Willow park wiriting

Yesterday the whole of team 5 went to willow park and it was so fun. I played some ping pong with my friends and it was a great match. There’s also a big gym where you can play basket in and it turns out, i didn’t win the match.

We had some delicious morning tea and some tomato sauce with it.  30 minutes later, we went to the beach but me and my friends didn’t swim. Instead we made a whole just to keep us not being bored. After that we had some drinks and a hot dog that was pretty decent. 30 minutes later, we had some free time where i played some basketball with my friends. When we are about to go back to school, we gave our special thanks to the people who let us come to there wonderful place and we are grateful for what they done.